The holidays are near, next week to be precise; it’s hard to believe 2020 is swiftly around the corner. Folks are rushing to purchase last minute gifts, lights are sparkling every where you turn, or if you’re in my house, ornaments are disappearing one by one because your dog seems to think they’re chew toys.
From talking to different people over the last several weeks, one word is mentioned above the rest. Strength.
Whether it be business or personal, many have gone through situations this year, or in the last couple years, which have, and continue to, push them beyond their comfort zone.
I have a friend, for the sake of privacy we’ll call her Ann, who was in a horrific accident in 2017. She and her husband, along with three of their children, were hit by an impaired driver. Her husband died on scene, my friend was impaled, her leg was severed, she’s had at least twenty-eight surgeries, suffered a brain injury, will have a colostomy bag for rest of her life, and recently found out she has new spinal fractures to go along with the others that have failed to heal properly. The children acquired minor physical injuries, but the emotional and mental toll the accident has had on them is significant.
I’m telling you this story because Ann -a now single mother to three children who still has multiple surgeries to endure- lives with every day chronic pain, and now faces serious concern that the new spinal fractures have already caused severe damage, is one of the strongest people I know.
Ann is positive, kind and generous, hilarious and sincere. Strength and beauty exude from her. As much as she could’ve thrown in the towel, she continues on; she presses on.
Since the accident, Ann has finished school, and despite the unknown regarding her health, begins a new job beginning of January.
Mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual strength are all important. Take time for yourself to grow, mature and find strength in all areas of your life. It’s just as vital to be strong in your personal life, as it is in your professional life.
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