As we all know it takes a team of individuals to run a law office. We have attorneys and paralegals in our firm, but we also employ people who are the point of contact when potential clients want to speak with someone about their case, and others who request medical records. Lindsay is who we’re interviewing this week. She is not only our Intake Specialist, she is also our Medical Records Lead.

Stick around, you may learn something new…

What do you do at Smolen Law, and what does your job entail?

Intake Specialist and Medical Records Lead. As Intake Specialist, when someone reaches out to us about their case, I’m typically the first person they talk to. I gather general information on the potential client, details surrounding the case, and (in most instances) set-up a meeting for them and one of our attorney’s to speak further about their situation. Being Medical Records Lead means, if your case involves you being injured, I’m the one requesting your medical records from the facilities and providers you’ve seen regarding your accident. (I can’t take all the credit though, there are a few other people in the office that request medical records on behalf of our clients.) Requesting the records doesn’t stop once it’s faxed or emailed, I/we then follow-up with the medical providers/facilities, and can spend hours on the phone just for one client.

Is your job easy?

Working in this field, nothing is easy. I am met with daily challenges, and more often than not the words, “I learn something new every day” come out of my mouth. Time management, detail orientation, communication and efficiency are vital.

What is something you do every day, at work, that you love?

Outside of loving the feeling of being productive at the end of the day, I thoroughly enjoy communicating with our clients. I’m not only available to listen to the client and answer questions, I laugh and joke with them and vice versa, and I’d be lying if I said I haven’t shed a few tears listening to their stories. I’m very passionate about helping people, which is one reason why I love what I do.

At a young age, did you ever think you’d be working in a law firm?

Not in my wildest imagination. If I’m being honest, I dreamed of becoming a professional singer. However, I will say I’ve always been interested in how crimes/cases are solved and resolved, as well as the medical field. So I guess requesting medical records for our clients, satisfies both desires.

Seems as though you’ve found your ideal career, Lindsay. Changing gears, how about I ask you some lighthearted questions about your personal life.

Do you have any pets?

Yes! I have a Fancy Ball Python named Monty. If you’ve seen the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail, that’s where is name came from.

Have you always lived in Oklahoma?

No. I was born in Kentucky, grew up in Missouri, lived in California for a little bit, and this is my third time living in Oklahoma. Since I keep finding my way back here, must mean I’m suppose to stay this time.

You said you dreamed of becoming a professional singer. Do you have a go-to song?

Of course I do! I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston is my favorite to sing, lip-sync, and (obviously) dance too.

If you were given a first class ticket to fly anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

For the sole purpose of seeing Pandas, and hopefully having the opportunity to hold one, I’d choose China.

Everyone has a favorite quote or saying, what’s yours?

“I will not die an unlived life. I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire. I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me, to make me less afraid, more accessible; to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise. I choose to risk my significance, to live so that which came to me as seed goes to the next as blossom, and that which came to me as blossom, goes on as fruit.” -Dawna Markova

We’ll end on that thought provoking quote this week. Thank you for spending time with me today; I hope y’all enjoy the rest of your day!

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Smolen Law's mission is to provide exceptional legal services with integrity, professionalism, and respect.

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The numbers don't lie...

$1,774,000 Bad Faith
$1,900,000 Birth Trauma
$6,011,855 Car Wreck
$250,000 Church Abuse
$8,757,500 Civil Rights
$1,008,000 Defective Product
$8,414,190 Insurance Bad Faith
$8,055,991 Medical Malpractice
$549,000 Medical Neglect
$746,250 Nursing Home Neglect
$1,739,632 Personal Injury
$175,000 Police Pursuit
$675,000 Premises Liability
$3,300,600 Products' Liability
$16,733,096 Semi-truck Accident
$130,000 Slip and Fall
$163,991 Sports Negligence
$5,730,048 Tractor roll-over
$241,854 Trust Dispute