Walking into a business can be intimidating at times, especially if you’ve never been there before. Thankfully, when you walk into Smolen Law you will be greeted by a smiling, friendly face, and her name is Megan Dalton. This week our interview is focused on her.

How long have you worked at Smolen Law and what do you do?
I have been employed with Smolen Law since September 2019, and am their Legal Receptionist.

Did you ever think you’d be working for a law firm, and is it what you expected it to be?
No, at first I was intimidated. Everything was foreign, but I was blessed. Everyone at Smolen Law is kind and showed me the correct way things operate.

What did you do before working for Smolen Law?
I was employed in the medical field as a Phlebotomist, IV Specialist, and Lab Technician.

What is your favorite part of your job?
My favorite part of my job is getting to know our clients and seeing the difference we make in their lives.

How do you like to spend your time outside of the office?
With my husband, our children, two dogs and two cats. We have a full house so there’s never a boring moment at home.

If you could adopt any animal on the planet, what would it be and why?
I would adopt a sloth. I find sloths absolutely adorable. I admire how committed they are to laziness and their carefree demeanor. *Sloths and I are polar opposite!

What is your favorite movie?
Bad Time at the El Royale

If you could choose one person (dead or alive) that has influenced your life, who would it be and why?
My Great Grandma Rose. She played a huge part in my raising, and always have the best advice. She would always quote Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, “When Faith is Triumphant.” She even went as far as typing it on an index card; to this day it hangs on my fridge.

As a child, what was the most memorable toy you played with?
My most memorable toy as a child was a karaoke machine. I got one for Christmas, and would sing for hours. Which is how I learned that I cannot carry a tune to save my life!

Thank you Megan for taking the time to interview with me this week!

If you end up calling us or coming to the office, look for Megan! She’ll be waiting to answer your call, questions, or get you in contact with our attorneys and paralegals.

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$1,774,000 Bad Faith
$1,900,000 Birth Trauma
$6,011,855 Car Wreck
$250,000 Church Abuse
$8,757,500 Civil Rights
$1,008,000 Defective Product
$8,414,190 Insurance Bad Faith
$8,055,991 Medical Malpractice
$549,000 Medical Neglect
$746,250 Nursing Home Neglect
$1,739,632 Personal Injury
$175,000 Police Pursuit
$675,000 Premises Liability
$3,300,600 Products' Liability
$16,733,096 Semi-truck Accident
$130,000 Slip and Fall
$163,991 Sports Negligence
$5,730,048 Tractor roll-over
$241,854 Trust Dispute