Attorney Jack Warren joined Smolen Law in September 2018, and is as dedicated to helping his clients, as he is tenacious.  If you’ve ever met Jack, you know he does and will do everything in his power to move cases toward timely, successful resolution.

This week, readers of all ages, Q&A with Jack Warren…

How long have you been a lawyer?
I have been a lawyer for just over a year. I was admitted to the bar last September.

What areas of law do you tend to focus on?
I really do anything and everything. I would say at this point it is mostly personal injury cases, largely car wrecks.

What do you like most about being an attorney at Smolen Law?
The constant stream of interesting work. There is always something interesting to do. The work never stops and there is always another client to meet, and get to work with.


Describe your work day in one sentence…
Wild. No day is ever the same, but that is what makes it so great.

What is your driving force as an attorney?
Helping our clients get a resolution. There is no feeling like when I get to call a client and let them know that we have a positive result on their case.

Let’s Get Personal

It’s a typical Saturday, how do you spend your time?
Well, I try to do at least some kind of project at our house, but it ends up often times being finding something I want to watch. It largely depends on whether it is football season or not. During the fall, I typically do some yard work and watch some soccer in the morning before settling into some college football. When it isn’t football season I like to go see a matinee movie and then do something fun around town.

Do you have a favorite book or author?
I don’t read as many books as I wish I did. But I do read a lot of novels and long form articles. Right now, my favorite writer is a guy named David Roth. He wrote for the site former known as Deadspin (RIP) and always had something interesting and funny to say.

What’s the biggest personal change you’ve ever made?
This is tough. But being an attorney has caused me to be far more organized than I ever thought I would be. The change from being a law student to an actual attorney is a much larger change than I thought it would be.

If someone gave you the power to save just one animal species on earth, which would it be?
Goodness. I would hate to be put under this kind of pressure but I would probably chose something like a chimpanzee. Who doesn’t like chimpanzees?

Where would you go in a time-travel machine? Would you stay?
This is my kind of question. I could write many words about places I would like to go. There are dozens of places I would like to go, it becomes more difficult in deciding the time in which I would like to go to each place. As far as the list of places that are highest on places I would like to travel to:
1. Vietnam
2. Japan
3. Paris to central France
4. Lisbon, Portugal
5. New Orleans (the greatest American city)

I hope you all enjoyed Jack’s answers as much as I did! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to read and learn more about one of Smolen Law’s Alpha Attorney’s.

Until next week…

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